After reading Old Man and the Sea, I wanted to eat a big fish. After Eat Pray Love, I wanted to to eat pizza in Naples. After reading Geography of Bliss’s chapter on Iceland, I didn’t want to eat anything ugly ever again, except lobster. After Soul of an Octopus, I vowed never to eat lobster again. After reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, I wanted to drink a mint julep. After reading Animal Vegetable Mineral, I wanted to grow my own food. After reading Secret Life of Bees, I craved honey. After readingThe Jungle, I never ate cow again. After reading Kitchen Confidential, I wanted to snort cocaine in the kitchen. After reading Alive, I wanted to eat my neighbors.
Should I quit reading or eating?
Colorado Expression Magazine
Story on Bread
Confetti Magazine
Story on Cakes
Vail Valley Magazine
Atwater restaurant story
Joey's Lasagne Recipe